28 декабря 2010 года в28.12.2010 17:26 1 0 10 1

What does Jared Leto want for Christmas?

Stuck for what to buy Jared Leto this Christmas? We asked the 30 Seconds To Mars frontman what he'd like to find in his stocking on December 25.

" I'd probably want a lens for one of my cameras, " he told K!. "I'm not a very needy person, I don't really want for anything. I don't really go for toys or cars or gifts. I don't really buy anything, I don't go shopping - my toys are Final Cut Pro and Pro Tools."

It's Leto's birthday on December 26, so does this mean he gets twice the presents, then?

" No, " he laughs. "It's when I find out who my real friends are!"



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