27 декабря 2010 года в27.12.2010 22:19 5 0 10 1

омг, в точку про нас

Libra Woman & Scorpio Man

There is initial attraction between a Libran woman and a Scorpio man, but things can get weary with time. His passion and intimacy can be too much for her free spirit to handle. For the Scorpio male, her mild flirtation with acquaintances can be quite disturbing and he would also come between her independence and freedom. However, since both of them have something that the other can learn from, the relationship can turn out to be a mutual learning experience. The duo would have great time discussing intellectual things and hold great affinity for each other.


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JULIACUPCAKES — Well I Aint Nothing But a Cynical...



прошел почти год. и тут снова объявился этот мудак.


А ты только представь… Она не твоя… По утрам с ней рядом просыпаешься не ты… Её сонные глаза целуют не твои губы…...


устала очень, в моральном плане.



как избавиться от тупой рекламы, которая выскакивает на странице моего блога???


i don't mean this in a bad way, but HOLY F&*(%K YOU ARE A FAGGOT. So, I can't stress enough to you, how little I want you back.


the golden factor & red

Although it may not feel like it right now, spring is creaping up on us. Therefore, make sure you are ready for the upcoming spring 2012!...