27 декабря 2010 года в27.12.2010 20:45 1 0 10 2

Natalie Portman to wed `Black Swan' choreographer

NEW YORK - Natalie Portman is pregnant with her first child and is engaged to Benjamin Millepied, the choreographer of "Black Swan."

A publicist for Portman confirmed Monday that the couple are engaged and expecting, but declined to give any further details. People magazine first reported the news.

The 29-year-old actress and Millepied, a well-regarded ballet dancer and choreographer, met during the making of "Black Swan, " Darren Aronofsky's psychological thriller that stars Portman as a ballet dancer. She's been nominated for best actress by the Golden Globes and the Screen Actors Guild.

Millepied played a small on-screen role in the film as a dancer.

Portman also stars in Ivan Reitman's upcoming romantic comedy, "No Strings Attached."

ааааааааааааа….она беременна и выходит замуж.охренеееть) ребят, мне лень все переводить, но суть ясна. Оо Натали беременна) и скоро станет женой)


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