24 марта 2010 года в24.03.2010 15:57 3 0 10 1

Hey Alla!

I was really happy when I saw your mail. It was nice to read some news from you. It's quite cool that we are still in contact with eachother, don't you think? It was nearly 4 years ago you and Alina was at my family's house in Lund, the time goes by very fast! It was a magnificient choir week we had: Having concerts, choir exchanges and choir workshops, meeting people from other countries and of course hosting you two Russian girls

I would really like to see the photos you send my in your last e-mail, but I think you forgot to put them into the e-mail, because I can't see them anywhere.

Oh it's amazing, 30 degrees below zero! that's really cold weather you have. Here in France, it's springtime now. We have about 16 degrees every day, and the sun is shining. That's one thing which make it quite nice being in the south of France: There's a more lovely weather here than in Sweden. I'll try to tell you some experiences from my year here in France. It's hard, though, not writing a too long text, because there's so much to tell!
Well, now I can speak French pretty well. I'm better in French than in English! I understand everything the teacher says during the lessons and I can speak fast with my French friends. Learning a language takes a long time, when I came here in August I had many difficulties in communicate with others because of language difficulties.
Now, I'm really enjoying my time here. French school is much more severe than the Swedish school. I'm used to have so much more of liberty! I would really like to see how the Russian school is. Can you tell me something about it? It is strict?

I'm living in dormitory rooms at school during the week, and during the week-ends I live in a host family at the countryside. My host family is really, really nice!

The French culture is so interesting, and with my host family I've seen so much of it! We we're a couple of days in Paris in February and in April we're going to Barcelona(Spain) by car. During the week-ends we take small trips to nearby castles, villages, citites and places of nature. It's great!

Of course I listen to Regina Spector. She's a musical genious!

What are you up to nowadays?

From the heart of France
take care


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