22 декабря 2010 года в22.12.2010 15:14 3 0 10 1

I'm still here breathing now.

All alone in an empty room

Nothing left
But the memories of when I had my best friend
I don't know how we ended up here
I don't know but it's never been so clear
We made a mistake, dear.
And I see the broken glass in front of me
I see your shadow hanging over me
and your face, I can see…

Through the trees
I will find you;
I will heal the ruins left inside you
cuz I'm still here breathing now…
I'm still here breathing now…
I'm still here breathing now…
until I'm set free.
Go quiet through the trees

I remember how we used to talk
about the places we would go when we were off
and all that we were gonna find.
And I remember our seeds grow
and how you cried when you saw
the first leaves show.
The love was pouring from your eyes.

So can you see
the branches hanging over me?
Can you see
the love you left inside of me?
in my face
can you see?

Through the trees
I will find you;
I will heal the ruins left inside you.
Cuz I'm still here breathing now
I'm still here breathing now…
I'm still here breathing now…
until I'm set free.
Go quiet through the trees.

Cuz you're not coming back
And you're not coming back
No-oo.. No-oo.. No
You're not coming back…
You're not coming back…

Take my breath as your own
Take my eyes to guide you home

Cuz I'm still here breathing now…
I'm still here breathing now…
I'm still here breathing now…
And I'm still here…

Cuz I'm still here breathing now…
I'm still here breathing now…
I'm still here breathing now…
And I'm still here…

Cuz I'm still here breathing now…
I'm still here breathing now…
I'm still here breathing now…
And I'm still here..

But you're not coming back.
And you're not coming back.
Cuz you're not coming back
Until I'm set free
Go quiet through the trees.


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