21 декабря 2010 года в21.12.2010 15:18 0 0 10 1

Какая же она всё-таки чудесная…

When the morning came I was up before first light,
And Your bed was made you must have cut out sometime lastnight,
My heart beat started pounding out riddle in my brain,
Voice from deep inside said got to be insane,
Everyone knows how this old story goes,
Got in my taxi and drank my conscience away,

If you're gonna be there, be there
If you're gonna stay, stay tonight,
Start livin, out with the old, im on the up,
Must be the good life

I went to your friends house begged you to open the door,
With Your hands on your hips you spoke while i sat down on the floor,
Two dishes in the kitchen sink, the way you treat me when you drink,
You don't look so superior when you give your opion,
Don't think i don't know how you act on your own,
Just who are those names on your cell phone anyway,

If you're gonna be there, be there
If you're gonna stay, stay tonight,
Start livin, out with the old, im on the up,
Must be the good life,

Its the cool breeze on the setting sun,
The New Year's, The 4th, wrapped into one,
You make me want to be someone that you could look up too,

If you're gonna be there, be there
If you're gonna stay, stay tonight,
Start livin, out with the old, im on the up,
Must be the good life,

Come on get love,
Come on and try,
Come on now what are you waiting for?


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