15 декабря 2010 года в15.12.2010 20:40 0 0 10 2

Avada Kedavra For Dummies

A short and easy guide to help you master the basics of this complicated yet delightful Unforgivable.

By Niche Eenhoorn

This article will basically cover a few tips on how to cast the Killing Curse. It comes in very handy when muggles are being particularily noisy, specially after having been through the Cruciatus Curse. (both curses usually go hand in hand, unless you are in a hurry of course, then the Killing Curse is more efficient.)

Let's start with the three basic points: the Incantation, Power of Mind and Proper use of the Wand.

1) The Incantation
First of all and perhaps most important: THE SPELLING of the incantation. It is NOT" Aveda kabrada", "Abba Kabreda" or, as the muggles have utterly trashed this spell: "Abracadabra". It is "Avada Kedavra" and before going on further into this article, the first task you have to do is write the incantation 1500 times in a piece of parchment, repeating it out loud so you get the hang of its pronunciation (Ah-VAH-dah Keh-DAH-vrah.) Any mispronouncing of these words can lead to hilarious yet not fatal results, which is not what we're aiming for here.

2) Power of mind
Having magical abilities is not enough to be able to cast this curse. It requires, above all, Willpower, as well as Rapidness, Energy, Concentration, Knowledge and Strength (These 6 elements are most commonly known by the acronym WRECKS, not hard to recall since it is what muggles become after casting the spell on them.)

  • Willpower: This means that if you're uncertain about casting the spell on someone, then, most probably, your spell won't work. You need to be sure of what you are doing. If you don't feel confident enough, there is always the Imperius Curse, and you can cast it and make someone else do the job for you (although this particular spell represents different challenges.) You can also kindly ask one of your bolder fellow Death Eaters to cast it for you.
  • Rapidness: It implies that if you're not fast enough, someone else can cast the Killing Curse on you first and then you won't be the one who gets to point at them with your finger and laugh derisively.
  • Energy: The killing course is a spell that consumes a lot of your magical energy. It is recommended that you save the spell for special ocasions and don't go wasting your energy by casting the spell on less important beings like stray kittens or the fleas of your dog.
  • Concentration: You can have all the power of Lord Voldemort, Harry Potter and David Blaine together and yet if your mind is not focused on what you are doing, you will not be able to cast the spell. It is important to concentrate; look at the muggle in the eyes (be sure to add a smirk or a glare, whatever suits the situation) and CONCENTRATE. Think of what you really want to accomplish with this spell and hold on to that thought. Do not blink, do not hesitate, do not think of anything else until you have accomplished your task. Not until then can you proceed to think about going to the bar and brag with your fellow Death Eaters about the events of the day.
  • Knowledge: Yes, you have to know the story behind spell and how it was created so you can really get into it while casting it. Once you have learned how this spell came to be, it is easier to focus and concentrate while trying to perform this curse. If you haven't read about The Killing Curse, go to your local library and look for "Dark Spells and their Origins", and read it. Now.
  • Strength: Just as the spell requires a lot of magical energy, it also requires lots of physical strength. This doesn't mean you need to be brawny and bulky to cast it, but it has been known that people with delicate heart condition or other possible serious illnesses can't resist this spell too well. They usually end up following the muggle in their pathway to the ground, while still managing to point and laugh derisively, though the satisfying effect of these last two taunting methods is lost completely if the wizard dies. Thus, go to your local witch doctor and ask for an "Avada Kedavra Resistance Test". That should be able to let you know if you're fit for casting this spell. If not, well, there are still other curses you can perform that are less risky for your health, and still can inflict damage to the health of others.

3) Proper use of the wand The "Swish-and-Flick" technique is not applicable for this spell. The technique to be used here is the one denominated as "Point-Steady-or-Face-the-Consequences". The trick here is to hold the wand as steady as possible. One little shake of your wrist and the spell might hit the wrong target, since it comes out of the wand quite forcefully. There is a recorded case where a wizard hit the muggle that was selling fast food two streets away, rather than the one that was sitting in front of him.

Now, before you actually grab a wand and attempt all these useful tips, it is recommended that you practice your concentration techniques and specially to keep your hand STEADY. (Drop the excessive coffee drinking if you must.) To see how steady your hand is, we recommend the "Indicacion" spell. You can see if your hand is shaking by pointing your wand at a wall and casting the abovementioned spell. A small dot of light should appear in the wall.
As an advanced excersise, paint a dot in that wall and try to keep the dot of light from your wand right on top of the dot you drew.

Practice makes perfect. We recommend that you don't venture into trying anything with a muggle before proper practice, otherwise you'll end up making a fool of yourself and the muggle will just walk away thinking that you are under the influence of a psychotropic susbtance.

Good luck!

Lord Voldemort will Provide.


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