14 декабря 2010 года в14.12.2010 11:09 0 0 10 3

The many faces of Nick J

The “be in my room in 5 minutes” lip bite

The “Vince Vaughn needs to get the fuck out of here” face

“The fuck?” face

The face of cool

The face of sexual frustration

The “look sexy while pumping gas” face

The clueless face

The puppy dog face

The “get the fuck out of my face” face

The face of discontent

(note he probably burned that shirt afterwards)

The Yankees fanatic face

The father-like face

The face that makes you stay


Oh God, what a gorgeous *-*


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JONASB — MacyMisa


+1!!! Yeah! ♥

chindcha - Thank you very much, that you follow my blog. I am very pleased.And glad that you're 99 in a row! ^ ^


That smile..



A big thank you, thank you, that were to follow my blog. I am very grateful and thankful. I liked your blog. I hope we become friends!^^ ...


hellobrother :


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