06 декабря 2010 года в06.12.2010 13:56 0 0 10 1


Ну как вам сказать, это не совсем новогодняя песня :D
Но я настолько люблю ее, что впихну хоть куда-то)

30 days of Christmas and all I know
Is I'm not quite ready to let go of this past year
I have so much to show

One more month
And all I need is a sign from you that you think of me
If you don't
Then please just say so
Cause all I do
Is think of you

And it's wearing me out
It's wearing me down
This holiday is nothing but frowns for me
But I've got a gift
You see
I'm making a list
Hell I'll check it twice
Of all the things you've done in my life
Then I'll send it your way
So you see why I love you

Who would have thought that someone like me
Could of fall in love so easily.
I know that you know that i know what i want
I know I cant have it but give it a thought.
I know that it sounds crazy baby
but all I do is think of you.

And it's wearing me out
It's wearing me down
This holiday is nothing but frowns for me
But I've got a gift
You see
I'm making a list
Hell I'll check it twice
Of all the things you've done in my life
Then I'll send it your way
So you see why I love everything you throw my way

I know it's hard to say
But it's a crying shame that I came all this way
With so much to say
But all that came out was “Happy Holiday”
A home cooked meal and a nice warm bed
Somebody to love
A place to lay my head
But I got 30 days and I'm gonna make ‘em count
Cause I cant call it Christmas without someone to smile about


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BAZINGAAA — мёртвые единороги


— У тебя уже есть пара на день святого Валентина? — Ага, бутылка водки


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