14 сентября 2013 года в14.09.2013 10:40 1 0 10 1

part 2

27. Favourite movie

Das Wilde Leben

28. Favourite song

jj - Still

29. Are you the only kid in a family?

Nope, I've got a sis

30. Favourite band

Sigur Rós

31. How I feel right now


32. Someone I love

Roma Litvinov aka Mujuice

33. My current relationship status

In the relationship

34. My relationship with my parents

Really good

35. Favourite holiday

There is no such a day for now

36. Tattoos and piercing I have

I had piercing few years ago and I still can have my septum in nose

37. Tattoos and piercing I want

Since my 15 I dream about piercing on both thigh-bones

38. The reason I joined Tumblr

Browsing pictures here I liked more than on Weheartit.com

39. Do I and my last ex hate each other


40. Do I ever get 'Good morning' and 'Good night' texts


41. Have you ever kissed the last person you texted

That was my bf, so yes, I did

42. When did I last hold hands

Few hours ago

43. How long does it take me to get ready in the morning

It depends, but frequently I do not need a lot of time

44. Have you shaved your legs in the past three days

Had my shower half an hour ago

45. Where am I right now

In my perfectly soft bed

46. Do I like my music loud or at reasonable level


47. Do I live with my mom and dad


48. Am I excited for anything

Of course no!

49. If I were drunk and can't stand who's taking care of me


50. Do I have someone of opposite sex I can tell everything to

I had, but unfortunately we do not get in touch for months

51. How often do I wear a fake smile


52. When was the last time I hugged anyone

Just hugged my returned back from Italy friend

53. What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else in front of me

Well, I'd probably say 'Good bye' to that kid

54. Is there anyone I trust ever thought I should not

Thanks God, no

55. What is something I disliked about today

My pre-period stomach pain

56. If I could meet anyone in the Earth, who would it be

Joakim Beanon

57. What do I think about most

About me being wrong or saying something absolutely opposite to what I wanted and about how can I solve my problems if I've got any

58. What's my strangest talent

My having no talents?

59. Do I have any strange phobias

I'm completely scared of church icons

60. Do I prefer to be behind or in front of the camera

First variant

61. What was the last lie I told

Probably something unimportant because I can't remember anything

62. Do I prefer talking on phone or video chatting online

Neither of that, I do like live communication or just texting without any eye-contact

63. Do I believe in ghosts? What about aliens

Aliens surely exist

64. Do I believe in magic

Not really

65. Do I believe in luck


66. What's the weather like right now

Cold and rainy

67. What was the last book I read

I'd prefer to call it a novel - 'About mice and people' by John Steinbeck

68. Do I like the smell of gasoline

I used to

69. Do I have any nicknames


70. What was the worst injury I had

Do not remember

71. Do I spend money or save it

I wish I could, but no, I waste 'em on everything

72. Can I touch my nose with my tongue


73. Is there anything pink in 10 feets from me

My pajamas shorts

74. Favourite animal


75. What was I doing last night at 12 AM

Watching movie with friend

76. What do I think is Satan's last name


77. What's song always make me happy when I hear it

Mujuice - 1997

78. How can you win my heart

I have no idea

79. What I want to be written on my tombstone

There is still nothing in ma head

80. What is my favourite word

Rakkaus, sounds so warm and sweet

81. My top 5 blogs on Tumblr

I care only about pics, not blogs themselves

82. What if the whole world would be listening to me right now what would I say

Do not give a fuck

83. Do I have any relatives in jail


84. I accidentally ate some radioactive veggies. They were good, and what's even cooler is that they endowed me with a super power of my choice. What would it be

Reading minds

85. What would be a question I would be afraid to tell truth on

I'm sure there is at least one, but I can't get concerning about what even

86. What is my current desktop picture

Landscape pic by a friend of mine

87. Had sex?


88. Bought condoms?

Just once

89. Gotten pregnant

Fortunately no, and hope I won't until it gonna be right time and everything

90. Failed a class

Shit happens, you know

91. Kissed a boy


92. Kissed a girl


93. Have I ever kissed someone in the rain

Kind of

94. Had job


95. Left the house without my wallet

Hate that

96. Bullied someone on the internet

That's a shame

97. Had sex in public


98. Played on a sport team

In childhood

99. Smoked weed

Do not tell mom

100. Smoked cigarettes?

I absolutely love perfect peppermint taste of my Marlboro Smooth

101. Drank alcohol

Of course I did

102. Did drugs


103. Am I vegetarian/vegan

I used to be on a veggie diet for a long period of time once. Just tried to repeat this again few days ago

104. Been overweight

+5 killos to my normal weight, but nevertheless I was kinda plump I didn't feel as a fat bitch

105. Been underweight

I weight 45 kg 2 years ago and felt perfectly

106. Been to a wedding

As a guest only. Few times

107. Been on computer for 5 hours straight

Yep, that's me

108. Watched TV for 5 hours straight

I believe, yes

109. Been outside my home country

Positive answer

110. Gotten my heart broken


111. Been to a professional sports game


112. Broken a bone

Thanks Goodness, no!

113. Cut myself

Hundreds of times

114. Been in airplane


115. Fly by helicopter


116. What concerts I've been to

Not that much, but I'm even can say kinda proud of seeing Sigur Rós live

117. Had a crush of someone of same sex

The only and true crush I actually had

118. Been to prom

Only to two: friend's one and my own

119. Learned another language

I would say trying to get in with some of them

120. Lose my virginity before I was 18

Yes, sir

121. Had oral sex

Positive answer

122. Wore make up

Every girl did, does and will

123. Dyed my hair


124. Voted in a presidential selections

No, I didn't

125. Rode in an ambulance

Only in cop's pickup

126. Had a surgery

Luckily, no

127. Met someone famous

That happened to me

128. Stalked someone on a social network

Not really

129. Peed outside

Shit happens

130. Been fishing

Fishing is cool

131. Helped with charity

Only for a few times, and I do not like that fact honestly

132. Been rejected by a crush


133. Broken a mirror


134. What do I want for birthday

Pill for being young and pretty for forever

135. How many kids do I want and what will be their name

I hope either 2 or even better 3. Names for ladies: Carla, Lauren, Whitney. Names for baby-gentlemen: Oliver, Mark, Ryan.

136. Was I named after anyone

My mom got in love with an actress staring Angelika in Angelika movie and wished I were as pretty as she is

137. Do I like my handwriting

Partly. I guess I would make in better somehow

138. What was my favourite toy as a child

My big baby-doll named Ksyusha and her boyfriend Chyuk

139. Favourite TV show

The Mighty Boosh

140. Where do I want to live when older

Abroad, hopefully in English-speaking country

141. Play any musical instrument

That is not a guitar or piano. Guess what

142. One of my scars, how did I get it

On my forehead. I had an allergy on chocolate in childhood and I've got that scar and some few nearby chin as a result of my system's reaction on that allergy. Do not give kids chocolate till they are at least 3 years of age

143. Favourite pizza topping

Cheese. Lots of cheese

144. Favourite soda drink

Cherry Cola, Root Beer, Yello Mello

145. Am I afraid of heights

It depends

146. Have I ever get cought sneaking out or doing anything bad

Fortunately, no

147. Have I ever tried my hardest and then got disappointed at the end

75% of situations and I can't say it sounds encouraging

148. What I'm really bad at

Getting focused upon things I know I need to be concentrated on

149. What my greatest achievements are

That is too early to judge about stuff I missed and what I've done

150. The meanest thing anyone ever said to me

Dunno how did that actually happen but no one has said something really offensive to me. At list in eyes. But talking about the meanest lie I ever heard about me - one guy told everyone I had sex or smth with 3 guys simultaneously. I still have no idea why he did imagine what. Jealously?

151. What'd I do if I won in a lottery

I'll put quoter of all the money on my deposit, everything else would be donated to space industry researches and South Africa children's lives improvement

152. What do I like about myself


153. My closest Tumblr friend

Don't have any, but talking about my real-life mates, singing up in here - Kate Spirit then

154. Something I fantasies about

Average 'American dream' happiness

155. Any questions you'd like

Enough said, I guess


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