03 августа 2013 года в03.08.2013 11:18 1 0 10 1

День 1 - Любимая песня.

Imagine Dragons – All Eyes

Everything you say
Is just a lie
And now I'm leaving
To the city where the people
Are awake to chase a dream
That isn't real
And we 'posed to be somethin'
That we're not
Just wanna change a lot
And sign our name after the dot

Everything you see
Is just a century of anarchy
All my corresponding colors
That symbolize the things
We can attest, arrange
We can assess, we can attain
We are the intrical entities
To entice and entertain

All eyes
They're on you
Don't deny
You've got to
This is a call
That's all
You'll ever get from me
This is a call
That's all
You'll ever get from me

Take my side
Take my side
Don't look back
I'm easy
And that's a fact
You're on my mind, oh

Everything you say
Is just a lie
And now I'm leaving
To the city where the people
Are awake to chase a dream
That isn't real
And we 'posed to be somethin'
That we're not
Just wanna change a lot
And sign our name after the dot

All eyes
They're on you
Don't deny
You've got to
This is a call
That's all
You'll ever get from me

Now will the sun come up tonight?
Because your eyes they burn so bright
I'm all you've got
When you say
That you want
It all
You want it all

All eyes
They're on you
Don't deny
You've got to
This is a call
That's all
You'll ever get from me
This is a call
That's all
You'll ever get from me

All eyes
They're on you
Don't deny
You've got to
This is a call
That's all
You'll ever get from me
This is a call
That's all
You'll ever get from me


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