28 ноября 2010 года в28.11.2010 01:13 17 0 10 1

fuckingarizona :

Would you ever swim in a shark cage with a great white?’ No, I wouldn’t, and I’m gonna tell you why. I’m very excited about this, this is a good question. Now. If you go on youtube—and I actually happened to see this on television—there was a guy that went diving. First of all, sharks are sharks. Humans are not sharks. You don’t swim with sharks, unless you accidentally swim with sharks. okay? sharks EAT PEOPLE, from time to time; especially great whites. Now, it’s all good, I love sharks. I went swimming in the open ocean and there were tons of sharks—pretty crazy, okay—I was completely terrified, but excited at the same time. BUT, don’t get in a cage. Don’t go swimming with great whites. It’s not smart, and I’ll tell you why: I saw this thing on television and this shark got INSIDE of the cage! And—did anybody else see this? I mean, MY GOD. My god… Okay, lessons learned, just ask this guy. And I think he’s like ‘ah, it went back and I’m good.’ And it’s like didn’t you get the point? The shark got in somehow, like pushed through the bars and got in and it’s him and another guy and they’re under water and you know they’re just connected to the boat. They don’t even have - like…you know, they don’t have a proper respirator and all that stuff, they’re just connected up the arching and it’s connected through a tube. So they had to like, take it out, swim out of the cage, around the shark and that thing is huge and twisting around.

That’s why god made youtube - check it out.

But no, this to answer your question

© Jared Leto


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