Wait for me, and I’ll return,
Wait, and I will come.
Wait when heavy yellow rains
Try to bring you down.
Wait through summer’s wasting heat,
Wait through falling snow,
Wait when others still repeat
Not to stay alone.
Wait with hope when letters stop,
Strong and tough just be…
Turn away from those who’re stern,
From their grief stay free.
Wait for me, and I’ll return
No illusions…Try
To escape the ones who mourn,
Keep away your heart.
Let my son and mother cry
And believe I am dead.
And ignore friends’ tears around
When weak hope is spent.
Bitter wine they’ll drink..Forget,
Their compassion, too.
Wait for me, believe instead…
Pray and smile once more.
Wait for me, and I’ll return.
I will go through flame.
I’ll be back to you, I’ll burn
Any threat’s disgrace.
They will never understand
How among the fire
Out of lethal empty space
I have come alive.
Only you and I will know why
I am at home again…
Why you’ve learned to wait in time
Like nobody has.
— Konstantin Simonov, ‘Wait For Me’ (1941)