23 ноября 2010 года в23.11.2010 18:38 0 0 10 1

dexterita :

harry-potter :

Sirius Black

  • Sirius Black and the prison fun.
  • Sirius Black and the prison fun.
  • Sirius Black and the reunited with my werewolf boyfriend.
  • Sirius Black and the playtime fun with my werewolf boyfriend.
  • Sirius Black and the who is this girl hitting on my werewolf boyfriend I should. kill her but I die have fun with my werewolf boyfriend you bitch.
  • Sirius Black and the I am dead.
  • Neville Longbottom

  • Neville and Being Badass.
  • Neville and Being Badass.
  • Neville and Being Badass.
  • Neville and Being Badass.
  • Neville and Being Badass.
  • Neville and Being Badass
  • Neville and Being EXTREMELY Badass.
  • Filch

  • Filch and the Year Hogwarts Started to go to Hell.
  • Filch and MY CAT IS PETRIFIED!
  • Filch and Nothing Significant.
  • Filch and I Hate Cleaning Up After Other Schools.
  • Filch and I Love Umbridge.
  • Filch and Umbridge Isn’t Here Anymore.
  • Filch and Half the Castle’s Destroyed, I Might As Well Quit.
  • Severus Snape

  • Severus Snape and the year I had to keep that little kid from getting killed by Quirrel.
  • Severus Snape and the year I had to keep that little kid from getting killed by a book.
  • Severus Snape and the year I had to keep that little kid from getting killed by a fucking dog.
  • Severus Snape and the year I had to keep that little kid from getting killed by the former rat.
  • Severus Snape and the year I had to keep that little kid from getting killed by Umbridge.
  • Severus Snape and the year I had to keep that little kid from getting killed by the other death eaters.
  • Severus Snape and the year I died trying to keep that little kid safe.
  • Hedwig

  • Hedwig and Fuck Yes Harry Potter Owns Me.
  • Hedwig and I’m a Fucking Owl.
  • Hedwig and I’m Still an Owl.
  • Hedwig and HERMIONE’S NOT AN OWL.
  • Hedwig and Life Is Pretty Great As An Owl.
  • Hedwig and That Pigwidgeon Is Really Starting To Annoy The Piss Out Of Me.
  • Ron Weasley

  • Ron Weasley and the Fucking Three Headed Dog.
  • Ron Weasley and the Possessed Sister.
  • Ron Weasley and the Rat That Isn’t A Rat.
  • Ron Weasley and the Green Monster of Jealousy.
  • Ron Weasley and the Year of Quidditch.
  • Ron Weasley and the Girl Drama.
  • Ron Weasley and the Wooing of Hermione Granger.
  • Hermione Granger

  • Hermione Granger and the Levi-OH-sa.
  • Hermione Granger and the turning into a cat then getting petrified.
  • Hermione Granger and the art of overachieving.
  • Hermione Granger and the fact that boys suddenly love her.
  • Hermione Granger and bickering with Ron.
  • Hermione Granger and the Bitch named Lavender Brown.
  • Hermione Granger and the reluctant falling for Ron Weasley.
  • Cedric Diggory

  • Cedric and That Time He Found Something.
  • Cedric and That Time He Found Something.
  • Cedric and That Time He Found Something.
  • Cedric and That Time He Died.
  • Dumbledore

  • Dumbledore and the Oh Shit He’s at Hogwarts Now.
  • Dumbledore and the Oh Shit Tom Riddle’s at it Again.
  • Dumbledore and the I Am Totally Allowing Two Teenagers To Save A Convicted Murderer Even Though I Don’t Know For Sure He’s Innocent.
  • Dumbledore and the Harry’s Angsty, Time to Leave Him Alone.
  • Dumbledore and the I’ll Have Secret Lessons with Harry While I Wait for My Cursed Hand to Kill Me.
  • Dumbledore and the Wait, You Guys Aren’t Supposed to Know About My Past.
  • Voldemort

  • Lord Voldemort and that time I picked the wrong head to chill on.
  • Lord Voldemort and that time he killed my snake.
  • Lord Voldemort and the time I was not around.
  • Lord Voldemort and that time I killed some spare.
  • Lord Voldemort and the time I hung out in the Ministry.
  • Lord Voldemort and that time that I wasn’t there but Snape Killed Dumbledore.
  • Lord Voldemort and the time he and his friends kicked my ass.
  • Fred and George

  • Fred and George and the time we confused our Mum.
  • Fred and George and the time we flew a car.
  • Fred and George and the time we gave Harry the Marauder’s Map.
  • Fred and George and the time we got given 1,000 galleons.
  • Fred and George and the time we owned Umbridge.
  • Fred and George and the time we opened a joke shop.
  • Fred and George and the time one of us lost an ear and the other died.
  • Lucius Malfoy

  • Lucius Malfoy and the Things He Heard About.
  • Lucius Malfoy and the Things He Heard About.
  • Lucius Malfoy and the Things He Heard About.
  • Lucius Malfoy and the Things He Heard About.
  • Lucius Malfoy and the Things He Heard About.
  • Lucius Malfoy and the Things He Heard About.
  • Lucius Malfoy and the Things He Heard About.
  • ME

  • Harry Potter and the year I became addicted.
  • Harry Potter and the year I discover wizard classism.
  • Harry Potter and the year I fell in love with his parents & their friends.
  • Harry Potter and the year Voldemort came back.
  • Harry Potter and the year I realize the ministry blows.
  • Harry Potter and the year I discover why nobody could just fucking kill Voldemort and be done with it.
  • Harry Potter and the year when shit got real.
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