22 ноября 2010 года в22.11.2010 16:04 0 0 10 1


emma watson, rock star?

  • November 17th, 2010

emma Much has been made over the fact that when Emma Watson landed in New York City this week, she wore one of Burberry’s first bespoke trench coats -

A new kind of trench that you can customize yourself on their website.

It’s extremely cute, especially with the Burberry Prorsum bag and ballet flats, but we’re slightly more fixated on something else:

Why is Emma Watson carrying a guitar case through the airport?


1. The guitar is a gift for some rock star boyfriend who’s still a secret from the general public.

2. It’s just the case – inside, she actually lugs around all her amazing shoes.

3. She’s taking music lessons at Brown University, where she’s currently a Sophomore.

4. Emma Watson’s gonna record an album! Just like Scarlett Johansson or Jackson Rathbone or Juliette Lewis or Gwyneth Paltrow or lots of other celebrities who don’t just want to be in movies!

Most likely, the truth is some version of #3. Obviously, we’re really hoping for #4.

Come on Emma – if Gwyneth can do it, why not you?!




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