17 мая 2013 года в17.05.2013 13:10 3 0 10 1

You look in the mirror and realize that you are clearly visible ribs and spine are issued collarbone and hip bone. But no way in hell you're not rasstaneshsya with an indescribable feeling of lightness in itself. With a sense of relief at the fact that their conduct smooth down the other problems.

Paradoxically, the debilitating hunger strike, give me the strength, uplifting, inspiring, and even a greater force to leave the game with a dog, which, of course, end with gasping on the grass. But attempts to get rid of this accidental fire lead to the complete destruction: the challenge of vomiting, biting himself, trembling all over, convulsive swallowing tears, the frenzied screams inside.

The vicious circle.

It usually starts with the words "What are you, no I do not anoreksichka I believe that anorexia - it's not normal." A complete obsession with himself, stealth and shoots from the question "What do you eat?".

False. The constant lies, transfusion of soup from the pot into the cup and back, so that she became mired, flushing food down the toilet with the knowledge of victory, for which in fact is the weakness and remorse.

" The freedom to eat" - you say and drowning in controversy, because the cause of your eating behavior is very different. Something deeply personal, wounding, unpleasant, is not it? How easy it is just to melt slowly, drinking some water remaining challenges and looking at the world through the eyes bleary from exhaustion.


Two things raisins make you fall into a tantrum. Of course, you stand in front of people and persuasively-eat delicious ice cream or something else. "Um-m class!" - You say and dismiss relno world, leaving in his own, in which every evening leans over the toilet and vomiting up everything that makes you panic, screaming at himself and take the number 40 on the scale as something huge, terrible, the absorbent.

- 200 grams of air and two teaspoons of wind, please…


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Знаешь это очень трудно объяснить. И уж тем более доказать. Мне достаточно твоего взгляда, чтобы жить. И твоей улыбки чтобы дышать.


Мне хочется быть лучшей — для тебя. Быть самой ласковой, тобою быть любимой, Чтоб чувствовать, что я тебе нужна. не просто так "нужна...


Сигарета в нужную минуту лучше, чем все идеалы мира.


я люблю тебя

О Господи, как ты мне нужен


я механически существую в этом раю, где меня не видят ни мертвую, ни живую уже не рифмую слова, но держу обиду на каждого бросившего...


Я была лучшей, раздели со мной мою радость