15 апреля 2013 года в15.04.2013 13:12 1 0 10 1

How should we think to be anoreksichkoy

Let's start with psychology. From the beginning, every way spoil your relationship with food. You should feel the greatest possible aversion to food, nutrition, kitchen, refrigerator, dining, you can go even further and start hating the very source of food, animals, plants, and grocery stores. For example, I hate plants. Even plants, which produce pillows, to hell with them, they are all the same. But you! Hate it! And this, too, hate chicken! Of course, if you are not a vegetarian, which is also good. · First, clearly specify its purpose. Make it immortal. Buy a thick notebook, it will be something like your refuge. Write down why you want to lose weight. Do not forget to specify how you want to feel for 5-10-20 kg lighter, luxury clothes that will accentuate your figure or you though, would fit. Set a final goal and break it into multiple segments. For example, if you weigh 60 kg, but you want to weigh 44 kilograms, divide the way to 16 pounds at some stages. Here you weigh 58 kg, then 55, then 50, then 48 and so on. Re-read your notes for inspiration. In the future, this notebook you will use to create a collage with photos skinny girls - his inspiration for the other. · Visualization. The same principle as that of NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming). Have to convince your mind and subconscious mind that the food - it is one of the evils (the most evil). Begin to associate food with a sickening thing. For starters, try to draw a piece of adorable cake that some unthinkable way into a dead, rotting, wormy cat. Stick this and similar pictures all around the house, rather - for the most food. Never underestimate the power of visual images. Decomposes all photos thick girls, do not forget the refrigerator. And even better - stick your picture there, because you are too THICK HORRIBLE. Also decomposes all photos skinny models and celebrities, is, first, to inspire you, and secondly, you will see the brighter its shortcomings, amid these beauties. Also often write phrases like "I'm fat." You want to drive it yourself in the head. "I'll lean" is a good statement, just like everyone else, that begin with "I will…". These are positive statements and they are quite efficient and lead to a long process of weight loss (in the sense that you have more to spend and will not longer to lose weight.) • Now think of punishment for the food and even the thought of food. Try pinching yourself hurt the hand whenever a head start to climb the thought of food. When all you do is hand bruised, you will think several times before allowing the thought of food. Example sentences - unthinkable exercise, cleansing the body, self-blame, isolation, rejection of the necessary amenities - such as blankets on a cold night, or an umbrella in the rain, or some nasty job - for example to clean the toilet. Remember that you have to be disciplined. · Come up with a reason for the depression itself. Connect your imagination - convince yourself that your life is - crap. Be rude and angry with the people that they meet you in return - so you'll always be at the limit or get a couple of nervous breakdowns, well and in the end did not want to eat. Sometimes I like it when my father yelled at me, because as a result I was upset and did not want to eat. · Look for other anorexic. It does not matter - in real life or on the network. You can share tips and secrets together enjoy a stay in your little private club anoreksichek, forcing each other to play sports or just pat each other on the back when the next goal is reached. · Completely immerse yourself in the world of anorexia. Read books about the anorexic or who, for whatever reason, cause a desire to lose weight, listen to anorexic music (though in Russia, I think of the kind), movies where the main roles - the slim actress, do not forget about FashionTV. Also often want to different sites dedicated to anorexia - perhaps there you will find something new and add to your list of mantras or reasons-to-lose weight….


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