11 апреля 2013 года в11.04.2013 20:26 7 0 10 1

Обещенное письмо, хехе.

You're ugly… such an ugly person! And do you know why? Cauze` I miss you terribly, but you always dissapear, like we haven't been communicating all that time.. ><

I have so many news, but even don't know how to begin.. And I'm not sure if you understand me. I mean, if you want to understand me.. .

First I want to say some words about my boyfiend. He is handsome and pretty good, I know he loves me with all his heart. Maybe sometimes he`s a bit stupid, but everyone of us has to be stupid sometimes, whataya think?; P But for him I'm stupid too, so we found each other. And you know, I'm happy. Perhaps, I'm talkin` like a little child, however he's the best thing happened to me for the last time.

Even though, I have too many problems, great problems, actually, but it's not so important, I don't wanna feel myself like I`m the most unhappy person in the whole world.
Moreover, I`m sleeping too much, because I'm not able to wake up. For me my life seems a nightmare.. . and every time I get up I discover I want to sleep more, even if my head is spinning out because of the pain. But in my dreams it's much easier than in real life.

Everyday it's the same. I wanna live like it was before! Lighter, funnier, with many amazing persons like you and C***. Almost everyday I remind myself autumn in 2011, when here were you and her. Such a great time. And the period when there were me and you. Much vodka and bars with stupid, drunk guys and girls always seemed to me whores.. Ha-ha-ha…! Want you back.. even if it would be just for some time. But great and the most amazing. Really miss you, don't forget it, my distant sister and soulmate. So strange, I can`t forget anything, like it was yesterday. Answer me please, I want to know everything about you.


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