19 ноября 2010 года в19.11.2010 09:38 1 0 10 1

My, my, my it's a beautiful world.
I like swimming in the sea.
I like to go on beyond the white breakers,
where a man can still be free.
Or a woman if you are one.
I like swimming in the sea.

My, my, my it's a beautiful world.
I like drinking Irish tea.
With a little bit of Lapsan su Chang
I like making my own tea.

My, my, my it's a beautiful world.
I like driving in my car.
I roll the top down, sometimes I travel quite far.
Drive to the ocean, and stare up at the stars.
I like driving in my car.

All around is anger, automatic guns.
Death in large numbers.
No respect for women or our little ones.
I tried talking to Jesus,
He just put me on hold.
Said he'd been swamped with calls this weekend,
could not shake his cold.

And still this emptiness persists.
Perhaps this is as good as it gets.
You've given up a drink and those nasty cigarettes.
Now leave the party early, at least with no regrets.
I watch the sun as it comes up, I watch it as it sets.
Yeah, this is as good as it gets.

My, my, my it's a beautiful world.
I like sleeping with Marie.
She is one sexy girl, full of mystery.
She says she doesn't love me, she likes my company.
For now, thats good enough for me.

My, my, my it's a beautiful world.
I like swimming in the sea.
I like to go on beyond the white breakers,
where a man can still be free.
Or a woman if you are one.
I like swimming in the sea.


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