31 марта 2013 года в31.03.2013 23:39 3 0 10 1

I hate this town, it's so washed up
And all my friends don't give a fuck
They'll tell me that it's just bad luck
When will I find where I fit in

Remember when I tried
I'd never strayed too far from you
Forever by your side
No matter what I was going through
But now I never know the things to say to you
That help me prove that I'm still on your side
I never show just what you do to me
Guess I'm what's always wrong

I hate this town, it's so washed up
And all my friends don't give a fuck
They'll tell me that it's just bad luck
When will I find where I fit in
I hate this town

Cause no one can understand,
I just can't be tied down
Nothing comes between me and my plans
So now I never know the things to say to you
That help me prove that I'm still on your side
I never show just what you do to me
Guess I'm what's always wrong

I hate this town, it's so washed up
And all my friends don't give a fuck
They'll tell me that it's just bad luck
When will I find where I fit in

And don't believe a word they're telling to you
Don't believe a word they're telling to you
They let me down
When will I find where I fit in
I hate this town

Won't let a world gone mad ever bring me down
Gave everything I had to turn it back around
Cause our time's worth something
Bigger than both you and me
I can't live my life always backing down
I gotta do this right so they can't make a sound
Cause I'm not here for nothing
Least I can say I stand for something

You and me we stand for something

I hate this town, it's so washed up
And all my friends don't give a fuck
They'll tell me that it's just bad luck
When will I find where I fit in

And don't believe a word they're telling to you
Don't believe a word they're telling to you
They let me down
When will I find where I fit in
I hate this town…


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IROCKSTARFOREVER — I tear my heart open just to feel


я буду сильной всем чертям назло! не сдамся ни за что, и не сломаюсь! и пусть сейчас мне очень тяжело, я все равно смеюсь и улыбаюсь! ...


он один такой. и к нему душу тянет. и никто другой - таким как он не станет.


удивительно, но некоторые люди, которых знаешь совсем немного времени, за считанные минуты становятся ближе тех, с которыми был бок о бок...


каждый со своими странностями.


Я бoльшe нe пoвeдycь нa этy xyйню, типa "люблю", и "бeз тeбя не мoгу".


не осталось ничего к тебе, совсем ничего не осталось.