30 марта 2013 года в30.03.2013 12:22 0 0 10 1

ELLE: What was the biggest transformation to play Ginger –the hair color or the British accent?
Elle Fanning: The red hair color. That was interesting for me, because I’ve never been anything but a blonde. So, that was definitely a transformation that took some getting used to. It was very important to the film to get the right shade of red, because it’s like it’s like it’s own character and specific to Ginger.

ELLE: Which 1960s beauty tips did you covet from the make-up chair?
EF: I was so excited for the [shoot] days when I got to put on the 60’s eyeliner. The film’s make-up artist said back then everyone was completely natural — they didn’t wear make-up — they’d only put on the line. That stuck with me. When I went to the Critic’s Choice Awards [in January], I wore this hot pink 60’s eye. I don’t wear any make-up on normal days and at school. But, if I’m going somewhere, I always do something with my eyes —crazy colors, sparkles. I’m all for it. I love experimenting.

ELLE: The film quotes Girls Magazine, saying, “Boys don’t like girls who are too serious.” What’s your take?
EF: I don’t think you should try to be anything you’re not. If you’re not smiling all the time or always happy – I don’t think it matters. If you’re having bad day, show you’re having a bad day. Don’t try to put up something that’s fake. Acting genuine and being true to you will come off as something [boys] like and is attractive to them.

ELLE: You have quite the girl crush on Marilyn Monroe — how did that start?
EF: Yes, I’m obsessed with her. I saw the Seven Year Itch when I was seven. At that time, she was the most beautiful person. She’s definitely one of my role models – even though her life was so tragic. As I got older, I researched her more. A lot of bad things happened to her. She was really strong. She put up with a lot. And she made it into something good. She became an icon.

ELLE: If you were able to meet Ms. Monroe, what would you ask?
EF: Oh, wow! That’s hard. I would be so nervous. I’d want to just sit with her and observe everything about her —like her mannerisms—and ask her beauty tips about her hair, and her life story. I don’t know that she’d answer me. She’d probably come up with something really clever to say. She always came up with clever things to say that made the person asking the questions re-rethink it. She was very clever that way, when you read her interviews.

ELLE: When you grow up —if you could be anything— you’d be…?
EF: I would like to continue acting. But also —if this is a dream world where everything could become true—I’d want to be a ballerina.


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