14 марта 2013 года в14.03.2013 15:30 4 0 10 1

Rory x Rose


Rose was killed in a battle. The Doctor is looking for a way to save her, but for two human years still found nothing. Rory wrote a letter to Rose every day, that she can read as he lived without her. He waits and hopes.

Day 731.

My dear Rose, i miss you. Every minute of day i think about you.

I became a priest. Maybe I'll be closer to heaven, to you. Ask why to heaven? Because you're an angel, which I couldn't save.

Now the Doctor is looking for a way to save you, but it lasts for more than two years.

I so want to believe that he can do it. I love you so much.

Wait for me, Rose. You always know that I'm coming for you. I'll never gonna leave you. Never, my Fortuna.

Yours ever, Last Centurion Rory.


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