13 марта 2013 года в13.03.2013 16:51 0 0 10 2

# 10 Things I Hate About You / 21 Jump Street / 30 Rock / 500 Days of Summer

A American Horror Story / The Amazing Spiderman / Arrow / Atonement / The Avengers /Awkward

B Beauty and the Beast / Being Human UK / The Big Bang Theory / Black Swan / Bones/ Breakfast Club / Breaking Bad / Breaking Dawn / Bunhead

C The Carrie Diaries / Castle / Clueless / Community / Criminal Minds

D Dallas / Dexter / Dirty Dancing / Doctor Who

E Eclipse / Elementary / Enchanted / The Emperor’s New Groove

F Fight Club / Friday Night Lights / Friends / Fringe

G Game of Thrones / Girls / Glee / Gossip Girls / Grease / Grey’s Anatomy

H Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone / Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets / Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Askaban / Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire / Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix / Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince / Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 / Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 / Hart of Dixie / Hawaii Five O / Hercules / The Hobbit / Homeland / How I Met your Mother / The Hunger Games

I The Incredible Hulk / Inglorious Basterds / Iron Man / Iron Man 2

L Leverage / The Little Mermaid / Little Miss Sunshine / The Lion King / Lilo and Stich / The Lizzie Bennet Diaries / Lord of The Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring / Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers / Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King / The Lorax / Love Actually /The Lying Game

M Mean Girls / Miss Congeniality / Modern Family / Moonrise Kingdom / Moulin Rouge /Mulan / My Mad Fat Diary

N New Girl / New Moon / Nikita

O Once Upon a Time

P Pretty Little Liars / Pinocchio / Pride and Prejudice / The Princess and the Frog / The Princess Bride / The Princess Diaries / Psych

R Revenge / Revolution

S The Secret Circle / Secret Diary of a Call Girl / Sense and Sensibility / Sex and the City / Shameless / Sherlock / Sixteen Candles / Suburbatory / Suits / Supernatural / Switched at Birth

T Tangled / Teen Wolf Season 1 / Teen Wolf Season 2 / Titanic / Toy Story / The Truth About Cats and Dogs

V The Vampire Diaries

W The Walking Dead / Wizards of Waverly Place / Wreck it Ralph

X The X-Files

Y You’ve Got Mail

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MORIGRAY — Newandyke


Deleted Scene: The Capture of Lex Luthor