11 марта 2013 года в11.03.2013 12:43 0 0 10 2


wanted to leave here one meaningless story just not to forget it because in my eyes this memory seems to be something wonderful and enchanting. it is one of my first memories about R and it`s really important for me, though it`s really stupid. to make it clear I was already in love with R. in the first days of the school year cause it was kinda love (may I call it love?) from the first sight and the first time I saw him was on the 3d of September. so this year on the 4th of September (yeah, I always remember exact dates if they are connected with R), on the second day as we began our studying at school we had fire drill and so all school came to the stadium to line up. the day was really amazing, it was still warm and the sun was shining and stuff. so my class was standing at the far end of our round stadium while I was looking at people standing on the opposite side of it and suddenly I saw him. He was standing with his small children (5th form I think but I`m not sure) and I couldn`t see him as good as I wanted cause he was really far from me, but omfg the sun illuminated him and he looked like an angel standing proudly as well in the crowd of those worthless people. I know I`m weird and you think that I`m crazy but you should have been there to understand all his elevation at that moment


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