04 марта 2013 года в04.03.2013 21:45 6 0 10 1

Flyleaf – Fire Fire

Almost thought we made it home,
But we don't know this place at all,
That's enough now dry your tears
It's been a long eleven years

Fire, fire, fire!
Fire from the tongues of liars,

You're ashamed of where you're from,
Crying 'cause your father's drunk
We can't die because we're young
At least that's what we heard in a song

Fire, fire, fire!
Fire from the tongues of liars,
Fire, fire, fire!
Fire from the tongues of liars

You're ashamed of what you've done,
Crying 'cause your father's wrong
Trying to be something new,
You'll feel that you were something to prove

What you confuse for glory's fire
Is fire from the tongues of liars.
What you confuse for glory's fire
Is fire from the tongues of liars.
Oh send your rain

Fire, fire, fire!
Fire from the tongues of liars,
(oh send your rain)
Fire, fire, fire!
Fire from the tongues of liars
(oh send your rain)

Fire, fire, fire!
Fire from the tongues of liars,
(oh send your rain)
Fire, fire, fire!
Fire from the tongues of liars

You're afraid of who you are (you're ashamed of where you're from)
Crying 'cause your father's gone (fire from the tongues of liars)
Dreaming 'til you hit the truth (we can't die because we're young)
You'll find that you've nothing to lose (fire from the tongues of liars)
You'll find that you've nothing to prove.


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