15 ноября 2010 года в15.11.2010 17:37 3 0 10 1

Chris Corner

You're the Conversation, I'm the Game
Photographs paint mistakes in your suitcase
So listen, Conversation, I've lost the way.
I want to be the fool in your suitcase.

Soldier, shine on, with your conscience open
and the curtain falls in with the drums..
Soldier, come on, when the final chord plays
and the chorus comes…

You're the Conversation, I'm the Game

You take my confidence from sane to brave
Make me strong, push me on and take a chance
Learn to jump the waves.
So questions, are we playing?..is your card an ace?
Am I the joker in your hand or a friend on a bad day?

More than speaking, more than thinking,
silently you're on my side
No disguise, no hide-and-seeking
Mouth to mouth you saved my life.

Soldier, shine on, with your conscience open
and the curtain falls in with the drums..
Soldier, come on, when the final chord plays
and the chorus comes…

You're the Conversation, I'm the Game


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