13 ноября 2010 года в13.11.2010 12:04 0 0 10 2

Reamon - Supergirl


You can tell by the way, she walks that she's my girl
You can tell by the way, she talks that she rules the world.
You can see in her eyes that no one is her chain.
She's my girl, my supergirl.

And then she'd say, it's Ok, I got lost on the way
but I'm a supergirl, and supergirls don't cry.
And then she'd say, it's alright, I got home late tast night,
but I'm a supergirl, and supergirls just fly.

And then she'd say that nothing can go wrong.
When you're in love, what can go wrong?
And then she'd laugh the nightime into day
pushing her fear further long.

And then she'd say, it's Ok, I got lost on the way
but I'm a supergirl, and supergirls don't cry.
And then she'd say, it's alright, I got home, late last night
but I'm a supergirl, and supergirls just fly.

And then she'd shout down the line tell me she's got no more time
'cause she's a supergirl, and supergirls don't hide.
And then she'd scream in my face, tell me that leave, leave this place
'cause she's a supergirl, and supergirls just fly

Yes, she's a supergirl, a supergirl,
she's sewing seeds, she's burning trees
She's sewing seeds, she's burning trees,
yes, she's a supergirl, a supergirl, a supergirl, my supergirl..


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RAMZES — hey child, stay wild


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