12 ноября 2010 года в12.11.2010 23:48 1 0 10 2



- August 13th? - Yeah, it’s a month before my birthday. I don’t need to be another year older than you. - There’s no rush. - I’ve chosen my life — I wanna start living it. - And so, you’re gonna let Alice plan the whole thing? The dress, the reception, the guest list, I mean who knows who’s she gonna invite. - Does it matter? - Just tell me why are doing these? - What, the wedding? - No, you try to make everyone else happy. But you’re already giving away too much. - You’re wrong. - This wasn’t a choice.. between you and Jacob. It was between who I should be and who I am. I’ve always felt out of step. Like, literally stumbling through my life. I’ve never felt normal.. because I’m not normal. And I don’t want to be. - I had to face death and lose, and pain in your world but I’ve also never felt stronger.. like more real, more myself, because it’s my world too. It’s where I belong. - So, it’s not just about me? - No. Sorry. - I’ve made a mess trying to figure all this out but I want to do it right. I want to tie myself to you in every way humanly possible. - Starting with a wedding. - Actually something a little more difficult first and maybe even dangerous.. - We have to tell Charlie. - It’s highly dangerous. - It’s a good thing you’re bulletproof. I’m gonna need that ring. [Metric - Eclipse (All Yours)]


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