12 ноября 2010 года в12.11.2010 21:09 0 0 10 1






— What are you doing outside? What's wrong?

— Nothing.

— It seems only fair that I be represented as well.

— It's really pretty. Thanks.

— There's a bed!

— This is too much?

— No. No, It's perfect. I wanna ask you something.

— Anything.

— Okay, marriage is the condition for you to change me yourself, right?

— Yes…

— Okay, I wanna to share my own condition.

— Everything you want.. Is yours.

— You promise?

— Yeah…

— Bella, no.

— But you said that you wanna me to have every human experience.

— Not one's risk killing you.

— You won't. I want you.. While I'm still me, while I still want you as me.

— It's too dangerous.

— Try, just try. I'll go to some rediculous and expencive college and I'll let you buy me a car. I'll marry you! Just try.

[Sia - My love]

— Stop trying to take your clothes off.

— You wanna do that part?

— Not tonight.

— Hey, You don't… That's fine.

— Believe me, I want to. I just wanna be married to you first.

— You really make me fell like I'm some sort of like.. villain trying to steal your virtue or something.

— It's not my virtue concerned about.

— Are you kidding?

— It's just one rule I wanna leave unbroken. It might be too late for my soul, but I will protect yours. I know it's not modern..

— It's not modern.. it's ancient.

— I’m from a different era.

— Things were a lot less complicated. And if I met you back then, I would have courted you. Would’ve taken chaperoned strolls, and iced tea on the porch.

— I may have stolen a kiss or two but only after asking your father’s permission, I would've got down on one knee and I would’ve presented you with a ring.

— This is my mother`s. Isabella Swan, I promise to love you every moment of forever. Would you do me the extraordinary honor of marrying me?

— Yes.

чудо чудесное)

прекрааааасно) моя любимая сцена)


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