04 февраля 2013 года в04.02.2013 22:43 2 0 10 1

ребят,если тут есть дохера англичаны просмотрите,пж,,где тут ошибки (шапочка не имеет знания,там координаты не были указаны)

4 February 2013

The editor of the newspaper

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to you because of your article in the newspaper about the proposal banning cars from the downtown area. I live near the downtown area where are a lot of noise because of traffic jams.

To start with, I want to say that I agree with the local Department’s opinion. I think banning cars in downtown helps not only people but environment too. It will be less gas emissions in the air. Sponsoring free city-wide public transportation it is really good idea, because if bicycle and city-wide public transportation were paid, people wouldn’t be interested in. Moreover, some people have already refused from cars.

On the other hand, if you need to go to the friend who lives far from you can’t refused from car. But scientists have come up with EcoCAR. And in Europe is observing the trend in the growing influence of the index as environmental even in the choice of car. And I suppose and hope in the near future most people will have EcoCAR.

Taking everything into account, I am favour of bannig cars from the downtown. I think that we should to take care not only about ourselves, and ebout environment too. I support quiet, calm and clean city.

Yours truly,

Yulia Olefirenko


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