— You need to hear the truth, Bella. Understand all you options. And you need to know, that i'm in love with you. And I want you to choose me instead of him.
— I don't feel that way for you.
— You feel something else for me. You just won't admit it. So I'm not giving up. I'm gonna fight for you.. until your heart stops beating.
— I know what I want.
— You won't have to change for me, Bella. Or say good-bye to anybody. I can give you more than him. Fell that? Flesh and blood, and warmth.
— Edward!
— If you ever touch her against her will again..
— Edward, don't do this here!
— She's not sure what she wants.
— Don't do this here!
— Let me give you a clue - wait for to say the words.
— Fine, and she will.
— Jacob, just go, OK?
— Hey, hey, hey. Easy guys, easy. What's going on?
— I kissed Bella. And she broke her hand.. punching my face. Total misunderstanding.