- Newborns will be frantic. - It's okay. And don't make yourself uncomfortable. - It doesn't bother me anymore. - Since when? - Since I spent 24 hours thinking you were dead. You're not wearing your ring. - Well, I didn't wanna risk losing it.
- Or risk Jacob seeing it. - I think we should wait to tell him. - If you have the second thoughts.. - I'm not. I just want him to have a clear head.
- Who`s head is unclear? - Nobody`s I hope. - Alice see storm coming. - Yeah, I can feel it.
- I'll see you in a couple of hours.
- Something up? - Vampires try to kill me. - Same old, same old.
- Thank you. - You should get back before the storm starts. - No, I'm staying.
- You're not gonna fight? - Seth will replace me in the morning. - Lets get you inside.