12 ноября 2010 года в12.11.2010 20:06 0 0 10 2

Final Battle


- She's close. I can hear her thoughts. She knew we're together. She knew you'd be with me. - She found us. - She's not alone. - Riley, listen to me. Victoria is just using you to distract me. She knows I'll kill you. - In fact, she'd be glad to not to deal with you anymore. - Don't listen, Riley. I told you about their mind tricks. - I can read her mind. So I know what she thinks at you. - He's lying. - She only created you and this army to revenge her true mate - James. That's the only thing she cares about. Not you. - There's only you. You know that. - Think about it, you're from Forks, you know the area. That's the only reason she chose you. She doesn't love you. - Riley, don't let him do this to us. You know I love you. - You're dead. - You'd not get a chance like this again! You want her! You want me to feel the pain you felt when I killed James. When i torn him to peaces. When I turned him into ash. When I turned him into nothing. https://i1000.photobucket.com/albums/af123/neko4ka/picspam/eclipse228.png - Victoria! Victoria! Victoria! - What's wrong? - Alice needs us to go. Now.


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Привет, привет

незнаю, остались тут ещё те старички, что меня помнят, но я, это, вообщем, решила опять вести блог)


мой пирожочек я тааак скучала *__*


Боже… какой же он чудесный. *__*


Всем бы такого мужика. Умный, любящий, заботливый. И жрать приготовит, и уберет. А тело-то какое. Эх, Джо, ну почему ты там, а я здесь?


Твоё ОТП это то, что ты подсознательно ищешь в отнош...


Стайлз: А он здесь вообще зачем? Это же сплошной негатив, обёрнутый в шарф. Зачем тебе вообще шарф, когда на улице 18 градусов? пуст...