12 ноября 2010 года в12.11.2010 20:01 2 0 10 6

The Volturi

— Leah, don't! - Jacob! - Jake, hold on, Carlisle gonna take care of you. - Bella. - Jake, I'm here. - We need to get him out of here. We're not going to fight with the Volturi. - We'll take him back to Billy's. - I'll be there as soon as I can. - We got you. - They're coming! - Impressive. I've never seen a coven escape an assault of this magnitude intact. - We were lucky. - I doubt that. - It appears we missed an entertaining fight. - Yes, it isn't often we're rendered unnecessary. - If you would've arrived half an hour ago, you would've have fulfilled your purpose. - Pity. - You missed one… Why did you come? Who created you?

— You don't have to do that, she'll tell you everything you want to know. - I know. - I don't know. Riley wouldn't tell us, he said our thoughts weren't safe.

— Her name is Victoria. Perhaps you knew her. - Edward, if the Volturi had knowledge of Victoria, they would stopped her. Isn't that right, Jane? - Of course.

— Felix. - She didn't know what she was doing. We'll take responsibility for her. - Give her a chance.

— The Volturi don't give second chances. Keep that in mind. Caius will be interested to know she's still human. - The date is set. - Take care of that Felix. I'd like to go home.


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