12 ноября 2010 года в12.11.2010 19:58 0 0 10 1

the kiss



— Hey, Seth.

— I'm really sorry about last night.

— Definitely won't be in my list 'top ten favorite evenings'.

— You have a list.

— All ten I spent with you. Number one is when you said you're marrying me. Ms. Cullen.

— You're marrying him?!

— Jake… You knew he was listening!

— He deserves to know..

— Jake, stop!

— Bella, let him..

— Don't!

— Jake, stop!

— Jake, please!

— I'm done, I'm so done!

— What can I do?

— You can't do anything… I can. By going out there and killing something!

— No! You're not thinking clearly, don't do that!

— And maybe I'll get myself killed, and make it simple for you.

— No! Just.. Jake.. stay.

— Why? Give me one good reason.

— Because I don't wanna lose you!

— That's not good enough…

— `Cause you're too important.

— Still not good enough…

— Jacob! Kiss me… I'm asking you.. to kiss me.

— That should've been our first kiss … I gotta go, I'll be back.

— You saw?

— No, Jacob`s thoughts are pretty loud.

— I don't know what happened…

— You love him.

— I love you more.

— I know.

— It's started.


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CAASSIE — live while we're young


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+1, спасибо и добро пожаловать :3


новому следящему спасибо и добро пожаловать :3


новым следящим спасибо и добро пожаловать :3


Final of GG.

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