12 ноября 2010 года в12.11.2010 16:02 0 0 10 2

Scorpions - You and I (chords)

C Am Dm G
I lose control because of you babe
C Am Dm G
I lose control when you look at me like this
C Am Dm G
there's something in your eyes that is sayin' tonight
C Am
I'm not a child anymore, life has opened the door
Dm G
to a new exciting life

C Am Dm G
I lose control when I'm close to you babe
C Am Dm G
I lose control don't look at me like this
C Am Dm G
there's something in your eyes, is this love at first sight
C Am
like a flower that grows life just want you to know
Dm G
all the secrets of life

Dm Em
It's all written down in your lifelines
Dm G
it's written down inside your heart

C Am Dm G
You and I just have a dream
C Am
to find our love a place
Dm G
where we can hide away
C Am Dm G
you and I were just made
C Am
to love each other now
Dm G
forever and a day

C E Am Dm C G

C Am Dm G
I lose control because of you babe
C Am Dm G
I lose control when you look at me like this
C Am Dm G
there's something in your eyes that is sayin' tonight
C Am
I'm so curious for more just like never before
Dm G
in my innocent life

Dm Em
It's all written down in your lifelines
Dm G
it's written down inside your heart

C Am Dm G
You and I just have a dream
C Am
to find our love a place
Dm G
where we can hide away
C Am Dm G
you and I were just made
C Am
to love each other now
Dm G
forever and a day

Am G
Time stands still
when days of innocence are falling for the night
Am G
I love you girl always will
I swear I'm there for you till the day I'll die (yeah!)

D Bm G A
You and I just have a dream
D Bm
to find our love a place
where we can hide away
D Bm G A
you and I were just made
D Bm
to love each other now
forever and a day


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