Anna is strong in all of her written work but does not participate much in oral activities. At first she felt she was lower than the group but that turned out to be false. Her written skills and grammar knowledge are above average in the group. She feels better in the class and even feels that the grammar we cover is too low level for her. I would like to see this student speak more in class. She is very positive in class and has shown she is capable of the grammar work. In fact it may even be easy for her, but she needs to improve in speaking in order to go to the next level.
Socially she seems very bonded to some of her Russian friends and I spoke with her about joining more clubs to mingle more with other students and practice English outside of class. She has recently joined the Spanish and French clubs and seems enthusiastic about that.
ахаххаха ну спасибо, спасибо, заслужила)