Nowadays a problem of genetically modified food is widespread all over the world.People worry about their health because GM is considered to be very harmful.It can cause different illness. Such as: heart disease, cancerFor example in the USA a lot of pepole have promlems with teir health because of GMF.We don't have enough natural resources. So people want to get bigger harvest. They genetically modify food to produce more and more food. Besides, genetically modified food causess allergic illnesses.
On the other hand, genetically modified food can help humanity to survive. Scientists predict population of our planet to reach 11 billion people and to feed everyone will be critical problem number 1. Firstly, all of sorts of GM plants are stable against illnesses and mean weather.A lot of people in Africa suffer from femine.So they will be able to to feed their children.
In conclusion, I believe GM food will save the situation of great famine. But we should understand that it can cause a lot of problems with our health.