04 ноября 2010 года в04.11.2010 17:08 5 0 10 1

101 Things I Learned From The Beatles

1.There’s always something in the way they move that attracts you like no other lover
2.Maxwall did it. With the silver hammer. In the courtroom
3.They’ll never do you no harm
4.It IS possible to live with an Octopus
5.They do WANT you.
6.The sun coming out really does make life less crazy
7.The shape of the world can turn you on in ways you never knew
8.If you come in through the bathroom window, be sure to have a silver spoon on hand
9.Feel free to fly like a bird
10.Ask and you shall recieve
11.Everyone starts at the bottom. You can’t climb a ladder without starting somewhere
12.You have to make things happen for yourself
13.It’s ok to borrow things as long you give them back
14.If you want to cover a song, give it your own little spin. But remember to keep its good graces
15.Don’t be afraid to stretch out of your comfort zone
16.Sing about the ocean
17.Tell the one you love how wonderful and sweet they are
18.You don’t always need words to express how you feel
19.Love the ones you’re with
20.Never ever give up!
21.Don’t stop looking for the one
22.Be cool.
23.Sing about far off places
25.Never be afraid to say ‘Hello’
26.Send flowers unexpectedly
28.Learn to play the mouth organ
29.You only need 3 words to make a hit
30.Someday you will figure it all out
31.Please someone they way they please you
32.Fade in..but never fade out
33.If you mess up… it’s ok to start again.
34.Always check to make sure you have the right train
35.Keep up with personal hygiene
36.Keep the crowds screaming for more
37.Be way beyond compare
38.Write a letter and sign it “with love from me to you”
39.Its ok to just want money… but the best things in life are free
40.Learn to play guitar
41.Real love is out there
42.Try not to wear red if at all possible
43.It’s ok to feel down. Just don’t laugh at someone else who is
44.Record the sound of glass breaking
45.Sing until you can’t anymore
46.If they tell you they love you… it means a lot
47.Jam out with your friends
48.Its ok to break out on your own sometimes
49.It’s only love
50.They always want more
51.Never turn down the opportunity of a life time
52.Be silly
53.Don’t be afraid to ask for help…no matter how old you are
54.Always say please and thank you
55.Norwegien wood seems to burn the best
56.Tap your feet and clap you hands to the beat of the music
57.Slow down and just listen to the music around you
58.Nothing is perfect. But imperfection is
59.Learn to play the organ
60.Do what you have to do to get what is you want in life
62.No matter where you look, your friends will always be there
63.Remember to pay your taxes
64.Learn to play the violin
65.The world is an amazing place upon waking up
66.Don’t move so fast through life
67.Rock on no matter what
68.Take someone to where you are the most at peace
69.Living is easy with eyes closed
70.Appreciate your surroundings and the little things about it
71.Two people can see something two different ways, but still see the same bigger picture
72.Remember to say good morning to those you see upon waking
73.Go to the carnival
74.Love your kids and the things they do
75.Learn to play the sitar
76.Have an alias
77.Remember their name… for the future
78.Sing of nonsense in a sensible way.
79.The fool probably knows more than we think
80.Never say goodbye
81.The universe is a wondrous place filled with words and images beyond your wildest dreams
82.Don’t let anything changed you perceive things
83.See the world through your eyes no one elses
84.Make up stories about people you see in your travels
85.Sing about junk
86.Never forget the quiet ones
87.Life does indeed go on
88.Never be afraid to express your opinion
89.It’s ok to cry sometimes
90.Remember where you came from
91.You can still fly with broken wings
92.Write poems for your friends
93.Remember the good and bad times
94.No matter what happens, always love someone with all your heart
95.Do it in the road.
96.Go outside and play
97.Get some sleep… or your mind will start to play tricks on you
98.Sing Happy Birthday
99.Remember those who have passed
101.All you need is love


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