14 ноября 2012 года в14.11.2012 08:56 0 0 10 1

Music is the therapy for me. In fact, going through difficulties has only concentrated my desire to make good music. And I’m still very glad to be a part of it all. I used to work as a coil-winder, making coils for electric motors in this factory in Liverpool. I wasn’t very good at it.They checked them at the end of the line and mine didn’t always work. So I thought it was time to get out.One day George and John showed up over the factory wall and someone said, ‘Hey, a couple of mates of yours are asking for you.’ And they said, ‘We’ve got a gig at the Cavern’. And that was it. So I know what I could have been doing and I know what I am doing.

Paul McCartney


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