01 ноября 2010 года в01.11.2010 07:46 6 0 10 1

«Augustana - Boston»

In the light of the sun
Is there anyone? Oh, it has begun
Oh dear you look so lost
Your eyes are red and tears are shed.
This world you must have crossed. You said

You don't know me and you don't even care,
Oh Yeah. She said,
You don't know me and you don't wear my chains
Oh Yeah.

Essential yet appealed,
You carry all your thoughts across an opened field
When the flowers gaze at you
They're not the only ones
Crying when they see you you said

You don't know me and you don't even care oh yeah
She said,
You don't know me and you don't wear my chains
Oh yeah

She said "I think I'll go to Boston
I think I'll start a new life
I think I'll start it over
Where no one knows my name
I'll get out of California
I'm tired of the wealthier
I think I'll get a lover
And fly him out to Spain.

I think I'll go to Boston
I think I'm just tired
I think I need a new town
To leave this all behind.
I think I need a sunrise
I'm tired of the sunset
Hear it's nice in the summer
Some snow would be nice,
Oh yeah

No one knows my name
No one knows my name
No one knows my name

No One knows my name


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21GUNS — Hakuna matata ;D


Нет мне прощения, почему я так мадо тут была в последнее время, извиняюсь. Всех с наступившим. И сегодня я уезжаю: 3 приеду 12



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