31 октября 2012 года в31.10.2012 12:04 3 0 10 1

Belieber Hater: I hate YOU! Fame whore! Hater: You sucks! I hate your voice! I hate your body! I hate your acting! I hate everything on you! FUCK YOU! At KCA: Favorite Actress go to: Selena Gomez both Favorite Singer! At Wikipedia: More than 16 awards winning! Selena Marie Gomez: They see me Rolling… They hatin’. Katy Perry: I love Selena! Justin Bieber: She makes me smile. Demi Lovato: She make me strong. I will always love and support Selena. Taylor Swift: My best friend forever! Miley Cyrus: I like her… she’s really funny. Nick Jonas: He (Justin Bieber) is so luck. (about Jelena) Beliebers: If she make him smile and happy thats what matter! Selenators/Dreamers: She’s such a great inspiration, make us believe in yourself. I love her so much! Selena Marie Gomez: Sorry Haters… Win situation!


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