28 октября 2012 года в28.10.2012 08:49 1 0 10 1

Coldplay - Paradise

If life goes on, gets so heavy
the wheel breaks the butterfly
every tear a waterfall
in the night, the stormy night, she'd close her eyes
in the night, the stormy night, away she'd fly

Amy Winehouse - Honey

Shining in black like shoes on a rack with a trigger
that's dressed up in gold
It's always warm inside my home but its handle is always so cold
Whispering into my ear all the lies you spun
My single greatest fear is my little toy gun.

Little Mix - DNA

Perfect in every way
I see it in his face
Nothing more to say
It's in his d-d-d-dna

Maroon 5 - Harder To Breathe

When it gets cold outside
And you got nobody to love
You'll understand what I mean when I say
There's no way we're gonna give up
And like a little girl cries in the face of a monster
That lives in her dreams


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