30 октября 2010 года в30.10.2010 00:26 7 0 10 1

Don’t waste my time

Another day

Another Lie

Another Way

Another Try

All my life is so monotone

U don’t see, this

But, if u can,


Don’t waste my time

cause I want live

cause i’m alive(just now)

I advise u the same

Cause just now u

Like inanimate(u aren’t here)

Don’t waste my life

I crossed the square

And didn’t know where

I lost my past

But it all in the last

If there is better for u

Leave me just, alone

A hope it will, so


Don’t waste my time

cause I want live

cause i’m alive(just now)

I advise u the same

Cause just now u

Like inanimate(u aren’t here)

Don’t waste my time

cause I want live

cause i’m alive(just now)

I advise u the same

Cause just now u

Like inanimate(u aren’t here)

Don’t waste my life

And all my promises

Now mean anything

A ain’t gonna be like all

I’m only try to find my self

It is all…

Don’t waste my life


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1-B,1-z unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrl...



1-B,1-z unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrl...


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