14 октября 2012 года в14.10.2012 15:03 12 0 10 6

креативности ребят с тамблера можно только позавидовать

Tumblr. – Fandom Style

imagine the time we could have spent being productive
who could have guessed the internet would become so obstructive
but i can't help myself these characters are so seductive
so damn hot that they're conductive

look at all these feels
if you don't ship it you won't understand that
all my feels can't be contained in simple fanfiction cause
all my feels have caused me to squeal uncontrollably yes
all my feels can't hold all these feels

do you like sherlock? are you a homestuck?
doctor who HEY do you watch it too? HEY
the avengers, how bout madoka did you know
HEY no you didn't know HEY
that i'll ship it even if they aren't gay

tumblr fandom style (ahh) fandom style
O- O- T- P tumblr fandom style
Aye, sexy cosplay O- O- T- P Aye, sexy cosplay

my friends all judge me and they question my obsession
but they don't understan d what's really causing my depression
i f we don't get an update soon then please use your discretion
when i vent out my aggression

you should follow me my blog has everything a real fan wants so
follow me i've got fanart AND some reaction gifs please
f ollow me i might follow back and we can talk about our
headcanons whats your headcanon?

there's hetalia , my little pony who'd have known
HEY i could not have known HEY
harry potter and supernatural
who'd have known HEY
could not have known HEY
fictional characters would consume my life


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