13 октября 2012 года в13.10.2012 19:21 11 0 10 1

Меня вдохновил этот пост! "the truth about blogging….." By Kandee Johnson

some days I feel like my life is pretty boring…
I don't go to fancy parties, I don't go shopping everyday, I don't go have lunch or coffee with friends- I don't really have that many friends anyway….
Some days I just don't want to blog my "outfit of the day" because I don't even like it myself! ha ha ha

Some days I just can't take a semi-good picture, good enough to blog about…and I wonder how other bloggers take all these pictures of themselves like they didn't know a camera was around! ha ha ha

Sometimes I just don't think anyone will want to read the "semi-interesting" thing I want to blog about.

Sometimes I think all the other blogs in the world are cooler than mine.

I am amazed that anyone comes to read anything I write.

Sometimes I feel like the girl that doesn't get invited to all the parties, when I read other bloggers who just travel the world to shop and go to fashion shows and parties….while I'm typing my blog from my couch in my pajamas at 1 or 2 in the morning, and maybe I didn't even leave my house that day.

Yes, sometimes I am blessed to be able to do something fun…but in my heart I am so incredibly amazed and thankful…I sometimes feel silly because I can't believe I have an opportunity so amazing, and I look around and no one else treats it that way- they just think, "meh, another awards show…..ugh another fashion show…just another chance to show off my new outfit"…..while I feel so blessed to even be there, I feel like Cinderella at the ball.

I don't type from glamorous places, usually.
I type with my laptop on my lap, sitting on my porch. Or sometimes I type on the floor in one of the kids bedrooms while they play. Mostly I type from the far right side of my couch.

Most days I wonder if what I write is interesting enough. I think my pictures don't look so perfect. I think I'm not thin enough to post outfit of the day pictures. I think I don't wear fancy enough clothes and shop as much as most other bloggers.

Some days I am awfully thankful when someone says: "I love your blogs! Don't ever stop blogging! "
I wish they knew how much that means to me! I want to hug them a million times and give them a present! Because some days I know the popular blogs are not ones that say kind things, they are not ones that tell you how to feel happy, they are not ones that send "hugs"….they are ones that just show you, other people pretending to be really cool, lots of expensive things, how perfect their hair looks all the time, how thin they are, how amazing their uber exciting and fun lives are…and well, it eaves me feeling like I'm not good enough, cool enough, rich enough, pretty enough, skinny enough, and that I'm just boring and have a boring life with not really many friends.

Well, I hope in a cyber-sea full of "fashion and beauty blogs"….that seem like that- that my blog is place where you feel it's ok to be happy, it's ok if you don't have a million celebrity-status friends, it's ok if you don't have a thousand dollar purse, it's ok if you don't just have this "pretend" life of shopping and jet-setting around the globe.

My blog is not to show off how cool I am…. it's a place that inspires you to feel confident and cool no matter what! And show you some of the outfits I throw together, some make up fun, some days I make my hair look not so ugly, and just fun stuff I'd love to show you- my friends all over the world!

I love you guys and I love and am honored that you spend any moments of your day with me here on my bloggy, and on my other bloggy, Kandeeland!

Thank you guys for loving me back!


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