21 сентября 2012 года в21.09.2012 19:15 3 0 10 1

There's so much this hurt can teach us both

If you were here beside me

Instead of in New York

If the curve of you was curved on me

I'd tell you that I loved you

Before I even knew you

Cause I loved the simple thought of you

If our hearts are never broken

Well there's no joy in the mending

There's so much this hurt can teach us both

Though there's distance and there's silence

Your words have never left me

They're the prayer that I say every day.

Come on, come out, come here, come here…

The lone neon lights

And the heat of the ocean

And the fire that was starting to spark

I miss it all, from the love to the lightning

And the lack of it snaps, me in two

If you were here beside me

Instead of in New York

In the arms you said you'd never leave

I'd tell you that it's simple

And it was only ever thus

There is nowhere else that I belong

Come on, come out, come here, come here…

Just give me a sign

There's an end and not beginning

To the quiet chaos driving me back

The lone neon lights

And the warmth of the ocean

And the fire that was starting to go out.


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SECRETLIFE — ▼не сахар


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