08 сентября 2012 года в08.09.2012 14:58 1 0 10 1

I'm out of my fucking mind, GG gally, oh my
I was doing fine, once upon a time
'Til my brain left and it didn't say bye
Don't look at me wrong; I'm out of my mind
Like Nostradamus and da Vinci combined
So paranoid of espionage
I'm watching my doors and checking my blinds
My brain is on vacation, they telling me
And I'm bi-polar to disparity
And I need medication, apparently
And some electrocompulsive therapy
I am a rebel but yes I'm so militant
Still I'm eligible for disabilities
I am psychotic but there is no remedy
Still is not figurative, this is literally
If these niggas go dumb, I go to the mental facility
See, man I'm so out there, I slap fives with E.T
I don't need a feature

What's your name? B.o.B?
So, they callin' you Bob?
Stop playing, nigga, you know that I'm known for the Bob
Couple hit songs, got you thinking you a hearthrob
Well, this thang so good, make a nigga wanna sob (Hmm, hmm)
You don't need a feature?
Nigga, I'm the feature
You gone be the priest, and I'mma be the preacher
You can be the he-man, I'mma be the she-ra
You can be the Grim, I'mma be the Reaper
Now, now airplanes in the night skies
Are like shooting stars?
Well, you can really need a wish right now
When my goons come through and start shooting stars
You know, I'm all about shoes and cars
I'm kinda drunk off blue Bacardi
I told Baby when I get my new advance
I'mma blow that motherfucker on a blue Bugatti
You know, I graduated summa cum laude
That's why they thinking I'm Illuminati
And matter fact, let's kiss and make-up
I'll help you escape on my blue Ducati

I don't need this song, I don't need this nigga
Cause a nigga bring the noise like an onomonopia
Leave him in the dust, all he see is my Adidas
Na na na na boo boo, wouldn't want to be ya
Never turnin' back, how you think I got here?
And I'm never slowing down, fuck was that a deer?
If you got a problem, step to the office
Matter fact, never mind, talk to the Kiosk, Biatch
You have no idea
That's why they call me ? been a maniac ever since I was knee-high
? someone call Charter, maybe call FEMA
Cause I got to be crazy or outta my mind to have this many steps on my VISA


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