15 октября 2010 года в15.10.2010 16:56 2 0 10 2

Blair: Good afternoon, Chuck. I thought we might enjoy some tea. You know how I adore those empire bacon scones.
Chuck: I know everything about you, which is why I know your visit probably has more to do with a scheme than a scone.
Blair: Chuck, you’ve changed. What makes you think I haven’t? And speaking of your newfound affinity for the huddles masses, how is the delightful Eva?
Chuck: Leave her alone, Blair.
Blair: If you’re as serious about her as Cindy Adams thinks, then we’ll be crossing paths all the time. And don’t you think we should be friends?
[sees Eva] Yay! There she is!
Chuck: Uh, don’t worry, Blair was just-
Blair: Sitting for some tea. Scone?
Eva: I’d love to.
Blair: Eva, I must apologize. The first time we met I had no idea you’d be the woman who could finally change Chuck Bass.
Eva: Oh, the Chuck i’ve known has always been kind and generous, even when he had nothing himself.
Blair: You should’ve known him before he was shot.
Once, he sold me for a hotel.
Chuck: Actually, Blair, she knows. We have no secrets.
Blair: Blackmailers must be weeping all over town.


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