18 августа 2012 года в18.08.2012 22:53 3 0 10 1


Was just going through his photos…and yh everytime i wanna look at them i know his ex is there. It hurts, yes.
He still has photos of his ex on facebook and videos. I was just watching them there and i think maybe i should change something about me to be like her? Maybe there is something he's missing about her that i dont have it? We haven't said "I love you" to each other yet but we're already sleeping together. Our relationship is very weird and fast happening. Maybe we just need time for certain things to happen in our life?
I will never tell him to delete his pics of his ex no matter how much it will hurt me, he has to do it himself. He loved her and I know he misses her just like I miss my ex but I can easily stop thinking about him cause I have my Panda bear now. So since it's a new relationship now I wouldn't like him to have anything of his past. But it has to be his decision. We talk a lot about his ex's but sometimes i start it cause i'm curious about them but still, his ex's were involved a lot in his life and i cant do much about it. I don't know, it's really confusing me…and hurts.


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